How To Incorporate Actives in Skincare?
As technology reaches its summit, medication also reaches its extent. Daily we are seeing 1000s of commercials interrupting us while watching our favourite drama on tv. They show many products for facials, scrubs, etc.; the OTC products assure us to keep our charm forever and ever if we use the same product.
But at least once, do we think about what products they are using on the product that will adorn our skin “forever and ever”. The answer will be a big fat “NO”. All skincare products contain activities like Vitamin – A, Vitamin – B, Vitamin – C, etc., to keep up our skin’s charm and beauty. So, in this article, let’s have a look how we can incorporates actives in skincare.
Table Of Contents:
- What are actives?
- What are the advantages of actives?
- How to incorporate activities in skincare?
- Actives for morning and night skincare
- Importance of actives
- Conclusion
What are Actives?
Actives are the elements that promise to help our skin hydrate, rejuvenate, protect and nourish skin and skin cells. Actives are naturally available ingredients that play a major role in skincare and OTC products. When the product looks super attractive, smooth, and pretty good, it doesn’t mean the product is amazing and useful.
They will use inactive ingredients to make the product attractive. But the money which we are spending is not for the outer appearance; we are spending our fortune just for the active ingredients which will help our skin to its extent. The following are some of the active ingredients that are being used for the Over Counter products and clinical products.
- Alpha-hydroxy Acids
- Polyhydroxy acids
- Kojic acids
- Hydroquinone
- Beta-hydroxy acid
- Retinoids
- Hyaluronic acid
- L-ascorbic acid
- Copper-peptide
- Dimethylaminoethanol
- Alpha-lipoic acid
What are the advantages of Actives?
The actives like Vitamin- C, Gallic acid, ellagic acid, Tartaric acid, Quercetin, Anthocyanin, Tryptophan, Ferulic Acid, Byangelicin helps in advantaging our skin by following ways,
- It helps in blocking irritation of the skin.
- It helps in reducing the fine lines and wrinkles.
- Giving the skin brightness sand glowing.
- It helps in reducing the dark circles.
- Make your skin supple, soft, and smooth.
- Hydrate your skin as well as skin cells.
- Reduces inflammation, redness, and soreness.
- Helps in repairing the sun-damaged and sunburnt skin.
- It helps in cleaning the pores by penetrating into the pores.
- Prevent skin from sunspots as well as dark spots.
How to incorporate Actives in Skincare?
Before incorporating actives into your skincare routine:
- Make sure you prescribe your doctors because of people with eczema, rosacea, skin barriers, etc.
- Maybe mix the wrong ingredients.
- So, make sure you are discussing it with your doctors.
The following are the ways that you can incorporate actives into your skincare regime.
Use Sunscreen
Yes, you have to use sunscreen before incorporating the actives. Sunscreen is a must; if you can’t use sunscreen, then don’t incorporate actives. You have to make sure that you are protecting your skin before doing any experiment. So, sunscreen is a must.
Proceed Slowly
With an itching curiosity, don’t mix all the actives in one go. Your skin is not for doing experiments. So, listen and pay attention to your poor skin. Tread slowly and give enough time for your skin to get the actives into it. Actives need time, and you can’t push everything in a hurry. So, give it time.
Mix the actives with skin-strengthening ingredients
When you are starting, you need to listen to your skin. You have to mix the actives with the products which help in entrenching your skin. Don’t use the wrong products which you will regret later.
There are two rules you have to follow when you incorporate the actives on your skin.
First, cleanse your face with thin and loose face wash; after washing the face, apply a light serum. This loose and thin ingredient should sink into your delicate skin. Then apply creams and sunscreen.
Lower pH actives like Vitamin C, alpha-hydroxy acid, and beta-hydroxy acid should be applied after cleaning your skin. Because of its low pH level, it will sink easily and smoothly on your skin. Higher pH actives like Vitamin A, etc., should be used after some time.
Actives for Morning and Night Skincare
Your skin needs special care every time. It’s a very crucial thing whether you are using the product morning or evening. There are times that you’ve to use a specific activity at a particular time. The following are the actives which should be used in the daytime.
- Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant that helps in premature aging. If you use this at morning times, you will help maximize the expected result.
- Retinoids or Vitamin A. This cream can be applied at any time. You can apply both night or daytime. But it may cause sun damage. So, if you use it at night, it will help protect the skin from sun damage and reduce irritation. Usually, when you are using it for the first time, it will irritate your skin like hell.
- Alpha Hydroxy Acid. This acid is good for night time. It won’t mix well with Vitamin C, which should be used during day time. If you use it during the day time, it will cause irritation and damage due to sun rays.
- Beta Hydroxy Acid. It will help in exfoliating. You can use this at night time. But still, if you wish to use it in the daytime, you can use but make sure to use sunscreen.
- Vitamin B3 or Niacinamide: This can be used at any time. You can either use it at night or by day time.
Actives are good ingredients, though, but make sure you are using sunscreen, mild face wash, moisturizer while using actives. It will help if you do not mix Retinol with AHA and BHA acid. Vitamin C should not be mixed with SPF. Make sure you are following what your doctors prescribed. I hope this article helps. Please consult your doctor first before applying anything on skin.
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